A written composition is usually, alone, a lengthy piece of prose that present the author’s argument, but on occasion the definition is quite vague, encompassing all those of a newspaper article, letter, book, an essay, a novel, as well as a short story. Essays are always formal and more frequently than not composed in the third person. Nonetheless, in recent decades, essays are written from the first person. It has caused some issues in our high-tech, highly competitive world today. In order to be competitive in the current market you need to present your ideas or your point of view, in a clear and succinct manner.
Composing a well-written essay starts with the introduction. An article’s opening sets the stage for what’s to follow. The introduction should be organized; however, don’t arrange the article in the way suggested by the Ph. D.candidate in the debut. A beginning writer should arrange his ideas into a logical sequence, starting with his announcement and end with the conclusion. If he does this, then the article will flow well and is not as likely to be perceived as disorganized.
Next comes the main body of this essay, which consists of
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