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N. SMELYAKOV Business America (notes of an engineer)

What the author writes about was not gleaned from second hand by him. N. Smelyakov – now the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR, https://ru.life-hacks.fun/page-5-glavnykh-znakov-vas-slishkom-daleko-zashli-na-paleodietu winner of the Lenin Prize – was for some time in the United States, met with business people, got acquainted with.

Today, on May 18, long before the start of the national holiday, a crowd of several hundred thousand moved so swiftly to the place where food was distributed on the Khodynskoye field that it was crushed by its spontaneous force.

TSB 3rd ed. Volume 1 – bse.uaio.ru.

Aare is a river in Switzerland, a left tributary of the Rhine. Length 295 km, basin area about 17.8 thousand km

N. SMELYAKOV Business America (notes of an engineer)

What the author writes about was not gleaned from second hand by him. N. Smelyakov – now the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR, winner of the Lenin Prize – was for some time in the United States, met with business people, got acquainted with.

Mironov B.S. Yoke of the Jews. THE SENTENCE FOR THE KILLING …


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